The Mediation in the American system

The Mediation in the American system

What is the Mediation?

There are many different possible definitions. One is that Mediation is an informal voluntary confidential process whereby a neutral impartial third party (the mediator) that assists parties to resolve their dispute by means of facilitating discussions to consider different options so that the parties can craft an agreement that will be acceptable and agreeable to both parties.

Many attorneys mistakenly and erroneously believe that mediation is the equivalent of a court settlement conference. Many confuse the word mediation with the word arbitration, utilizing the terms interchangeably. They are both entirely different processes and concepts; both are informal processes to resolve disputes, both utilize an indipendent neutral impartial third party, but the concepts of each are entirely different. An arbitrator renders a decision that is binding on the parties.

The mediator does not render any decision, and does not decide who’s the right or wrong; the mediator assists the parties in resolving the dispute; by encouraging discussions, considering options, problem solving, and creative solutions.

Both arbitration and mediation are forms of alternative dispute resolution, which also incluedes negotiation, early neutral evaluation, minitrials, summary jury trials, and various hybrid forms. However, arbitration and mediation are the two most frequently utilized forms of dispute resolution.

There are three mayor types and styles of mediation: facilitative, evaluative and transformative. In the next articles, we will deepen every type.

Salvis Juribus – Rivista di informazione giuridica
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Avv. Teresa Rullo

Iscritta all'albo degli Avvocati da febbraio 2016. Laureata in giurisprudenza nel marzo 2012 presso l'Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, discutendo una tesi in diritto amministrativo dal titolo "La Conferenza dei Servizi", relatore Prof. Fiorenzo Liguori. Subito dopo la laurea, nel 2012, ha iniziato la pratica forense presso uno studio legale specializzato in diritto civile. Nel dicembre 2013 ha iniziato a collaborare con un altro studio legale multidisciplinare di medie dimensioni occupandosi, prevalentemente, del contenzioso civile. negli anni 2015 e 2016 ha seguito il Corso di Perfezionamento in Alti Studi Politici presso l'Università Suor Orsola Benincasa di Napoli, conseguendo l'attestato finale. Attualmente svolge autonomamente la professione di Avvocato e collabora saltuariamente con uno studio legale operante sia nel settore civile che penale.

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